Internal Family Systems (IFS) is an evidence-based therapeutic modality that helps people heal by accessing their protective and wounded inner parts. You (yes you!!) have innate wisdom that is released as you begin to tune into ALL of who you are. In partnership with God, we can begin to practice gentle attentiveness to your internal world. You are created in the image of God and you have amazing birthright gifts to offer the world! As an IFS-inspired and trained coach, my goal is to listen with compassion, curiosity, and connectedness so that you can experience a greater sense of balance and harmony on the inside. I will ask questions, offer insights, and provide tools that are not only helpful but empowering. The true gift of IFS is cultivating a relationship with yourself.
"If I am estranged from myself, I am likewise a stranger to others." - Brennan Manning
Learn to transform self-criticism to self-compassion. Offering gentleness to yourself strengthens how you offer it to others.
Soul Care
Begin tending to your soul through new spiritual practices. Detox from external noise & decrease stress.
Practice curiosity towards your emotions, beliefs, and pain. Curiosity leads to wonder. Wonder leads to awareness and growth.
Learning about yourself isn't selfish. Explore your core fears and beliefs to receive clarity.
Stay attentive to your life. Looking inward fosters connection with yourself so you can connect with others. Neglect isn't an option.
Lead your own heart into new rhythms of calm, confidence, courage, & creativity.